The New P-24!
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Peluso Dealers

KMR Audio was founded in 2003 by a small team of audio bods, all obsessed with music and the recording process. The intention from the beginning with KMR was to be a home for high-end studio equipment; anything that we thought was a genuinely good piece of recording gear that could prove useful in a session (didn’t matter how much it was or who made it) we wanted to make available to our customers. We also wanted to make sure we had a strong working relationship with the manufacturer so that anything we sold could be supported fully – there’s no point in something sounding good if it goes down during a session. And these remain our guiding principles when it comes to the manufacturers we work with – amazing sounding gear, and professional levels of support.
Since our humble beginnings representing only a handful of brands, we now carry everything worth carrying with hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of demonstration, new and used gear in stock. We’re pretty sure there is no better stocked dedicated studio supplier outside the States with our variety of classic and esoteric products on display or for purchase.
Our home since the very beginning has been in leafy North London, at the very top of the Northern Line and (although stretching the concept of actually being in London), we are on the Tube and have excellent transport links close by with the M25, M1, North Circ and various airports within striking distance. We’re always blown away by how far people will travel to visit us; we’ve had visitors from all over Europe, North & South America, Asia and Australia. Part of the reason for this is our (head spinningly dazzling) showroom that also houses all our stock, which includes everything from basic cabling requirements to consoles, main monitors, outboard and mics of all shapes sizes and prices as well as a burgeoning high-end synthesizer selection. The other reason people travel from so far to visit us is our knowledge and passion for what we do.
All our sales and tech team have true technical chops – all of us have worked in studios and been embedded in the industry for decades. Always keen to share/show-off our knowledge, we encourage anyone who is serious about music production and needs advice to contact us. We have no agenda other than to honestly share our opinions and make a friend, who we then hope will become a customer for life. Staying in business is important, but staying in business with integrity and a firm eye on the long term is even more so.
Please let me know if we ever fall short of these commitments or if you have any suggestions for us – Keith Malin (co-founder and Managing Director)
Read more: KMR Audio LTD