The New P-24!
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The Peluso Community
Our community of artists, engineers, studios and friends have been busy putting our microphones through their paces. We are proud of all the great work they have done with Peluso microphones. Take some time to explore their stories!

Annabelle Chvostek

'It is wonderful to have on hand such a fantastic vocal mic, and to have that sense of finding "the one" that can truly highlight the aspects of my voice that I want to share.'
-Annabelle Chvostek

Gene Elders

"Just finished my first session with the P-28. I am hooked, big time. That's far and away the best mic my fiddle has ever met. Brought the fader up and it took the engineer about 60 seconds to tell me he wanted one, too."


Gina Rogers

I tried about 20 different mics!
"Only ONE 'SANG' when I spoke into it: The Peluso 414! There were no contenders. The engineer and I were laughing over how incredible the difference was. I just love this microphone!" - Gina Rogers

Gary US Bonds

"The Peluso P67 is the microphone I rocommnd for anyone who is in the studio. Whether it be a home or commercial studio, the P67 will give you that sweet sound you've been looking for"
-Gary US Bonds
♦ We are still in the process of rebuilding our community pages. As we reach out to our friends we are looking to update these pages with their recent accomplishments. If you are a Peluso microphone user we'd love to include you here too, Some of our existing members have been using their Peluso mics for quite some time, check back soon as we continue to update their profiles. ♦